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About Mini

Hi there sweetie,

I am Mini Katana, a happily married family guy and I love to dress as a woman.

I have always loved women’s fashion, make-up and hairstyles and have always adored the beauty and elegance of women but spending my working life in an aggressive man’s world this has always been a passion kept concealed, until the last few years.

In my spare time, I used to sell ladies fashion clothing and make-up as it is something I just find beautiful and love doing. Back then buying and selling these beautiful dresses, I just had to try some on and wow, I was hit with this unbelievable feeling of beauty, gorgeousness and being feminine. Something I had never ever felt before.

All my life, being this tough guy, unbreakable, knowing no bounds as far as I could push myself physically and mentally to now feeling like a beautiful, delicate, soft, rose petal.

The person I am, I just had to try and find how feminine I could look. So, I practice with make-up, try beautiful wigs and shoes. Always trying to get that little bit better each time but my goodness, these girls are so good at it and make it look so easy. A true skill and I am totally in awe.

To learn more, I found forums and websites and a whole new world out there. What I did not realise, was that there are so many others out there who also love to feel and explore their feminine side. I genuinely could not believe the amount exploring this side about themselves.

Why I want to help

I have loved to dress for quite some time now, but when I started out I can remember how hard it was to find the correct items for dressing up.

What clothing do I buy?

Working out the difference in male & female sizes, what to buy for make up, how to make the changes to being more feminine. It was all very confusing!

For these reasons, I would like to create this site for all you gorgeous ghirlies out there to help find everything you want and need to develop and flourish your feminine side you love so much.

Thanks so much for dropping by and having a nosey at my About me page.

Love & kisses,

Mini x

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